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Sciatica in Ayurveda is termed as Gridhrasi, in which the person affected with this disease, walks like vulture, hence the name. It is one of the Vata Vyadhi explained in Ayurveda.
Sciatic Nerve
Know about Sciatic Nerve: It is the largest single nerve in the body. It starts by branching out the spine in the lower back and then innervates whole of the lower limb till foot. Sciatica symptoms occur when the large sciatica nerve is irritated or compressed at or near its point of origin.
1. Most oftenly due to lumbar disc prolapse.
2. Spinal stenosis-abnormal narrowing of spinal cord.
3. Injury to the vertebral column.
4. Various tumors of spinal cord.
5. Rheumatoid Arthritis.
6. Tuberculosis.
7. Spondylolisthesis.
8. Disorders of pelvis
9. Pregnancy.
10. Due to heavy weight lifting.
1. Severe pain along the root of sciatic nerve, radiating down to the back of the leg to the knee and towards foot. The pain is associated with burning, tingling or searing.
2. Weakness, numbness and difficulty in moving leg.
3. Pain is worse when standing or sitting for longer time.
Types according to Ayurveda:
1. Vataj - Pain in knee, leg, lower leg and back, person limping while walking and cannot stand properly.
2. Vata Kaphaja - Along with pain in back, there are symptoms like agnimandya(dyspepsia), tandra, heaviness, nausea and loss of taste of food.
Treatment in Ayurveda:
Sciatica is one of the Vata disorders, so vata pacifying measures has to be undertaken.
Herbs like Eranda, Shigru, Rasna, Bala, Guggulu, Dashamula, Punarnava are useful.
Prepared medicines:
Tab.Mahavat vidhwamsan rasa
Tab.Ekangaveera rasa.
Tab.Punarnva Guggulu
Tab.Yogaraj Guggulu
Rasnaerandadi kashay
Rasnasapthak kashay
Sahacharadi kashay
Oils for external application:
Sahacharadi thailam
Prasarini taila
Dhanwantharam thailam
Vishgarbha taila
Saindhavadi taila
Panchakarma treatment:
1. Snehana
2. Nadi swedana
3. Mrudu Virechana
4. Basti
5. Katee Vasthi
6. Pizhichil
7. Dhara

Ayurvda offers excellent panchakarma procedures along with internal medicines for treating Sciatica.
Panchakarma procedures are conducted for about 21 days to 30 days course.


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