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Migraine (Anantavarta)

Migraine in Ayurveda  is known as Anantavarta,  while headache as Shirashula. There are many forms of headache and  migraine is  one of its predominant types. Migraine is a neurological disorder i,e. it is caused in the nervous system of the body.
Migraine is characterized by convulsions, painful and recurring in nature.
Headache affects one half of the head, from moderate to severe.
Extreme case symptoms are nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, sound and smell.
Person may  not experience any headache between two bouts, but can experience nose congestion and head heaviness.
Migraines are caused due to mixture of environmental and genetic factors. The primary cause are excessive tension, anxiety and worry. The abrupt cause is due to prolonged exposure of crown to extreme climates.
A list of the common triggering factors for migraine is given below.
    • Psychological- stress, anger, depression and conflict.
    • Excessive relaxation and more excitement.
    • Weather changes.
    • Onset of puberty in girls, birth control pills or oestrogen therapy.
    • Irregular and disturbed sleep.
    • Irregular bowel or constipation.
  2. DIET:
    • Excessive drinking of coffee, tea and soft drinks.
    • Eating fermented foods like dosa and pickled foods.
    • Foods containing MSG-mono sodium glutamate.
    • Nuts and peanuts.
    • Spicy and fried foods.
    • Sour foods like curd.
  3. DRUGS:
    • Use of more pin killers.
    • Oestrogen containing pills.
    • Drugs for high blood pressure such as reserpine, nifidipine.
    • Drugs that dilate the blood vessels like nitroglycerine.
Remedial tips for Migraines:
  1. Avoid sleepless nights.
  2. Retire early at night and wake up early in the morning.
  3. Practice yoga, breathing exercises, meditation and relaxation.
  4. Avoid constipation and indigestion.
  5. Limit over exposure to extreme climatic conditions.
  6. Control over psychological emotions.
  7. Avoid artificial sweeteners, MSG, smoking and alcohol.
Ayurvedic treatment for Migraine:
Ayurveda aims not only removing the severity of the migraine attack, but also prevents the recurrence of attacks in the future.

Oral medicines: 
  • Triphala churna-1 tsp with a cup of hot water or milk at bed time-in case of constipation.
  • Anu thailam-very ffective in headaches and used for  nasya  karma.
  • Shadbindu taila-nasal drop for instant relief from nasal congestion.
  • Sooth Shekhar Ras
  • Chandanadi vati
  • Chandraprabhavati
  • Shirashooladri Vajra Rasa
  • Mahavaat Vidhwamsa Rasa
Panchakarma treatment for Migraine:
Nasyam: Instillation of medicated oils in nostrils. It is very effective treatment in management of migraine.
Virechana and Basti: Mild purgation and mild enemas to detoxify the digestive system.
Shirodhara: Pouring a stream of medicated oil, milk or buttermilk over the head for specific duration is an effective therapy in the management of migraine.

A healthy person by means of proper diet management, life style changes, exercise and panchakarma leads a healthy and happy life.


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