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Sthoulya Roga- Obesity : "Fight Obesity to win your precious Life"

Obesity is a medical condition and refers to excessive accumulation of body fat. Weight higher than the healthy weight for a given height is considered as "overweight" or "obese".

BMI:  Is a simple index of weight -for -height, used to classify overweight and obesity in adults.
          It is calculated as - persons weight in kilograms devided by the square of his height in meters (kg/㎡).
          BMI less than 18.5 - Underweight
          BMI 18.5 < 25 - Normal
          BMI 25.0 < 30 - Overweight
          BMI 30.0 or higher - Obese.
  • Excessive food intake
  • Lack of physical exercise/activity
  • Hereditary/genetic
  • Endocrine disorders
  • Drug effect
  • Sleeping disorders
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  1. Increased body weight
  2. Cardiovascular disease
  3. Psychosomatic disturbance
  4. Increased risk of fracture
  5. Diabetes
  6. Hypertension
  7. Dysponea 
Ayurvedic panchkarma treatment:
The Ayurvedic line of treatment begins with the pacification of Kapha Dosha.
  • Udwartanam - deep dry massage with herbal powders
  • Abhyangam- massage with suitable oils
  • Basti- introducing medicated enema to detoxify digestive system
  • Herbal steam bath to mobilize accumulated fat.
Diet and Lifestyle tips:
  • Avoid high carb/fatty, oily, junk foods.
  • Consume more protein diet
  • Drink plenty of liquids 
  • Replace refined flour with wheat flour and white rice with brown rice
  • Increase intake of fruits, vegetable and salads
  • Avoid red meat 
  • Drink warm lemon honey water on empty stomach in the morning
  • Regular exercise and brisk walking for 45mins every  morning
  • Practice Yogasanas like- Bhujangasan, Shalabhasana, Suryanamaskar, Trikonasana, Kapalabhathi, Dhanurasana.


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