What is Lipoma? A lipoma is a benign tumor composed of fatty tissue that get accumulated between the skin and the muscle layer. They are made up of adipose tissue, which are non cancerous and harmless to the body. Lipomas usually found on neck, chest, upper arms, upper thighs, armpits and torso, but they can occur almost anywhere in the body. These fatty lumps can be single or multiple and easily visible. They are round, soft, lobular and movable in nature. Causes The cause for lipoma is unknown but it tends to run in families, so genetic factor likely play a role in their development. Symtoms Lipomas can measure about 2 cm and can grow upto 6 cm, sometimes even upto 10 cm long. Round, soft, movable and are of rubber consistency. Painless, unless lump formed over the blood vessels. Treatment Plan Lipomas are formed due to significant derangement of Kapha dosha in the body and so the bulged mass is formed due to fat deposition. Nidan Parivarjan:...
Ayurvedic doctor specialised in Panchakarma. For consultation visit Monday to Saturday from 10Am to 12Noon at UCDC (Urban Community Development Center, 14th Road Bandra W). Ph:91 9004100030 /+91 7977175136